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272,095,723,348 OMI
36.13%750,000,000,000 OMI
457,851,016,190 OMI

Ecomi Token-Verkauf
Subscription time: 2019/5/12 21:00 - 2019/5/14 21:00 (GMT+8)
Subscription Rules:
Total Supply: 750,000,000,000 OMI
BitForex Subscription Amount: 10,000,000,000 OMI (100 BTC)
Circulating Supply: 150,000,000,000 OMI
Subscription Price: 0.00000001 BTC
Subscription Trading Mode: OMI/BTC
Lockup period: no lockup
The subscription will stop when reaching the hard cap or reaching the end time. First come first served.
OMI is currently in the subscription stage. Users can buy OMI at a fixed price. Selling is temporarily not supported.
Trading Time:
After the OMI token sale, the OMI/BTC trading pair will open on 2019/05/15, 17:00 (GMT+8);
OMI Deposit and withdrawal will be open on 2019/5/18 17:00 (GMT+8).
Ecomi(OMI) Token-Vorverkaufsplattform
- Bitforex Turbo Starter: