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[Initial Listing] MEXC Will List SoSoValue (SOSO) in Innovation Zone
MEXC will list SoSoValue (SOSO) in the Innovation Zone and open trading for the SOSO/USDT trading pair. The specific timeline is shown below.
Deposit: Opened
SOSO/USDTTrading: 2025-01-24 10:00 (UTC)
Withdrawal: 2025-01-25 10:00 (UTC)
Note: Prices may fluctuate greatly for projects listed in the Innovation Zone, please be cautious of the risks.
About SoSoValue (SOSO)
SoSoValue is an AI-powered investment and research platform that revolutionizes crypto research and investment by bridging the efficiency of centralized finance (CeFi) with the transparency of decentralized finance (DeFi). At its core, SoSoValue addresses the most pressing challenges in the crypto market—information overload, fragmented tools, and complexity of asset management—by leveraging cutting-edge AI and its innovative Spot Index Investing (SSI) Protocol. This groundbreaking CeDeFi solution empowers investors with actionable insights and passive investment options, simplifying portfolio management for sustainable growth.
Total Supply:1,000,000,000 SOSO
Website | Contract Address | X(Twitter) | Telegram | Whitepaper
Risk Disclosure
Start-up blockchain projects may face significant risks in operation, underlying technology, and legal and regulatory environment. Investing in such projects requires rich technical and financial knowledge to understand the inherent risks associated with blockchain start-ups. Before making any investment decisions, we recommend that you conduct thorough due diligence, evaluation, or seek advice from professional consultants.
The prices of digital assets related to blockchain projects exhibit high volatility and may fluctuate due to various factors. Investing in such projects may result in significant or total investment losses. Additionally, due to the underlying technology of blockchain projects or attacks, you may be unable to withdraw digital assets related to blockchain projects partially or completely.
When deciding whether to invest in this project, please carefully assess the risks and make a decision based on your risk tolerance. MEXC does not guarantee or compensate for any investment losses incurred by you.
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