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Anito Legends Prix (LARO)
Cap. Marché
Capitalisation boursière Fully Diluted
Volume 24h
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Site Internet, Livre blanc
Gaming Play to Earn

Anito Legends Vente de jetons
IDO Ended: Oct 26, 2022 — Oct 27, 2022
Seed Ended: Dans le passé
Prix de vente:
collecte de fonds:
Jetons à vendre:
KOL Ended: Dans le passé
Prix de vente:
collecte de fonds:
Jetons à vendre:
Private Ended: Dans le passé
Prix de vente:
collecte de fonds:
Jetons à vendre:
Anito Legends is a video game that has released on iOS, Android, PC and Mac. Players need to purchase NFT assets to be able to play the game.
Adventure Mode
- Adventure Mode utilizes a roguelike gameplay. A team of three Anitos must complete as many towers as they can with one life. Once a team is completely knocked out, they are brought back to the game lobby. Fortunately, there is a brief respite in every tower as Anitos can use campfires to heal up or revive fallen comrades.
Arena Mode
- In Arena Mode, players can spend arena tickets to test their mettle against other player-owned Anito teams. Players can set two teams -- one for attack and one for defense, and all battles resolve asynchronously.
Anito Care / Charm System
- Each Anito has a unique friendship meter which you can fill up by earning hearts for your Anito daily. You can earn hearts for your Anito by performing tasks and quests. Completing three hearts daily through these tasks increase the Anito Care meter. Higher tier Anito NFT's can unlock Charm Slots faster:
Common Anitos: 30 days
Epic Anitos: 20 days
Legendary Anitos: 10 days
Merchant Shop
- Players may spend a significant portion of their time off-battle in this shop screen as they can mix and match equipment to build a party with synergizing skills. Players can also sell of their discarded items for Perlas.
$LARO is the governance token and can be used to buy/sell in the Anito Legends Marketplace. Updates for TGE and IDO are coming soon.
Anito Legends(LARO) plate-forme de prévente de jetons
- BSClaunch: app.bsclaunch.org
Tendances des ventes de jetons

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