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Aevo(AEVO) <> $RBN Conversion
RBN To AEVO Token Conversion Details
The long awaited conversion day is coming soon. All $RBN holders are able to swap 1:1 to get $AEVO .
Here's how you swap RBN to AEVO:
- Go to, connect your wallet, and click "Convert RBN to Aevo" in the bottom left
- Enter the amount of $RBN you want to convert to $AEVO and click "Convert"
- You will automatically receive $AEVO in your wallet.
The conversion UI will go live at 15 May 08:00 UTC
In the next few days, we'll also be releasing more info on the latest new products and partnerships that we've been working on for the past 2 months.
We think that this will bring more sustained, net new users trading on the Aevo Exchange.
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