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Bequest Finance - Undisclosed
Tanggal Pendanaan
July 4, 2023
Jumlah Pendanaan
Valuasi Pendanaan
Tentang Bequest Finance - Undisclosed
Investor | Tipe | Lokasi | Tahun Didirikan | #Perusahaan Portofolio | Alamat Email | Sosial |
Fund | United States of America | 2014 | 7 | [email protected] | ||
Angel Investor | United States of America | -- | 25 | -- |
Profil Perusahaan / Pengenalan Proyek
Bequest Finance, a fintech company, offers an innovative, non-custodial digital asset management solution, designed to address the challenges in the trusts and estates industry. Developed alongside leading minds in law and fintech, Bequest facilitates compliant and secure management of digital assets, from cryptocurrencies to NFTs, without the need for legal practitioners to custody their clients' assets or handle private keys. Leveraging state-of-the-art audited smart contracts, Bequest ensures a user-friendly experience, offering a seamless process that respects the privacy and promotes autonomy, thereby transforming the legal framework of digital asset management.