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Chintai - Undisclosed
Tanggal Pendanaan
October 20, 2023
Jumlah Pendanaan
Valuasi Pendanaan
Tentang Chintai - Undisclosed
Investor | Tipe | Lokasi | Tahun Didirikan | #Perusahaan Portofolio | Alamat Email | Sosial |
Corporate | Cayman Is. | -- | 4 | -- |

David Packham
Profil Perusahaan / Pengenalan Proyek
Chintai is a leading one-stop solution for modernizing capital markets, regulated, and licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. The Chintai platform employs blockchain technology to empower traditional finance and innovative companies, enabling them to harness the power of digital assets. The platform provides access to a robust automated compliance engine, powered by Chintai's proprietary Sentinel-AI technology, offering an end-to-end white-labeling solution. Chintai's product suite includes dynamic security token issuance, high-performance secondary trading, and automated compliance infrastructure for regulated digital assets, aiming to bridge the gap between businesses and compliant blockchain technology through its Blockchain Platform-as-a-Service (BPaaS) model.