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Crypso - Seed
Tanggal Pendanaan
July 26, 2022
Jumlah Pendanaan
Valuasi Pendanaan
Tentang Crypso - Seed
Investor | Tipe | Lokasi | Tahun Didirikan | #Perusahaan Portofolio | Alamat Email | Sosial |
Fund | Korea (the Republic of) | 2017 | 104 | [email protected] | ||
Fund | India | 2008 | 1 | -- | ||
Fund | United States of America | 2018 | 15 | -- | ||
Fund | India | 2017 | 3 | -- | ||
Angel Investor | India | -- | 106 | -- | ||
Angel Investor | India | -- | 28 | -- | ||
Angel Investor | India | -- | 7 | [email protected] |

Suraj Kalwani

Ravi Chirania

Rakesh Raman
Profil Perusahaan / Pengenalan Proyek
Crypto investing in India has been adopted largely by young Indians. The existing platforms have solved for access to investment but trade execution is a small piece in the user journey. These users are hooked on YouTube and Telegram for news, signals and a sense of community but these platforms are not designed to capture the attributes of social investing like sharing portfolio with peers and community, trading signals, influencer led community discussions, etc.
Crypso aim to build a social trading application that solves for this underserved community behaviour. Users get to see the portfolio and trading strategies of their peers and influencers, join community group chats around areas of their interest, share their portfolio with communities for feedback and execute trades based on social signals.