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Hong Kong
Tahun Didirikan
#Perusahaan Portofolio
Tentang AvatarDAO
AvatarDAO berasal dari Hong Kong. AvatarDAO telah melakukan 1 investasi sejauh ini, proyek investasi terbaru adalah Muverse, dan waktu pengumuman investasi adalah March 29, 2023
Menurut database penggalangan dana CoinCarp, AvatarDAO telah berinvestasi dalam 1 proyek Web3. Di antara semua, 100% dari investasi AvatarDAO adalah proyek Web3.
Anda dapat menghubungi AvatarDAO melalui E-mail, [email protected] , atau coba hubungi mereka melalui media sosial
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AvatarDAO is the first GP-free venture capital republic that forms a DAO and becomes a new way to collaborate and invest, identifying early stage opportunities through active independent researchers and investment managers, supporting startup development through a diverse and extensive network of resources, and distributing fund profits through automated, autonomous contracts. Truly and completely decentralized. AvatarDAO has no centralized administrator, no private key, 0 trust cost, fully managed by DAO VOTE. All contract rights are granted to the DAO NFT holder