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Chase Lochmiller
United States of America
Angel Investor
Tahun Didirikan
#Perusahaan Portofolio
Tentang Chase Lochmiller
Chase Lochmiller berasal dari United States of America. Chase Lochmiller telah melakukan 2 investasi sejauh ini, proyek investasi terbaru adalah Ritual, dan waktu pengumuman investasi adalah November 8, 2023
Menurut database penggalangan dana CoinCarp, Chase Lochmiller telah berinvestasi dalam 1 proyek Infrastructure dan 1 proyek Others. Di antara semua, 50% dari investasi Chase Lochmiller adalah proyek Infrastructure.
Anda dapat menghubungi Chase Lochmiller melalui media sosial
Chase is an avid tech enthusiast that is passionate about enabling new technologies like AI and blockchain to positively impact people’s lives. Prior to founding Crusoe, Chase was a General Partner at Polychain Capital, a $1Bn fund investing in blockchain technologies, digital assets and energy-intensive computing applications. Chase was previously
a quantitative researcher and trader at Jump Trading and GETCO, where he developed and managed a portfolio of algorithmic trading strategies. Chase holds undergraduate degrees in math and physics from MIT and a masters degree in computer science from Stanford, where he specialized in artificial intelligence. As a personal interest, Chase has climbed five of the "seven summits" including Mt. Everest.