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Tahun Didirikan
#Perusahaan Portofolio
Tentang Sushiswap
Sushiswap telah melakukan 1 investasi sejauh ini, proyek investasi terbaru adalah Hana Network, dan waktu pengumuman investasi adalah October 24, 2024
Menurut database penggalangan dana CoinCarp, Sushiswap telah berinvestasi dalam 1 proyek Web3. Di antara semua, 100% dari investasi Sushiswap adalah proyek Web3.
Anda dapat menghubungi Sushiswap melalui media sosial
- Twitter:
Sushi is a community-driven organization built to solve what might be called the "liquidity problem." One could define this problem as the inability of disparate forms of liquidity to connect with markets in a decentralized way, and vice versa. While other solutions provide incrementally progressive advances toward solving the problem of liquidity, Sushi's progress is intended to create a broader range of network effects. Rather than limiting itself to a single solution, Sushi intertwines many decentralized markets and instruments.
Proyek | Putaran Pendanaan | Kategori | Koin atau Token | Jumlah | #Co-Investor | Tanggal Pendanaan |
![]() | Undisclosed | Web3 | -- | $4.00M | 3 | 10/24/2024 |