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      How to Buy RocketX V1(RVF)

      There are several difficulties you may encounter while buying RocketX V1(RVF) crypto. You may not sure where and how to buy it. Now CoinCarp will show you the ways how to buy RocketX V1(RVF) easily. Learn how to buy RocketX V1(RVF) with this Beginner's Guide.
      • Where to Buy RocketX V1(RVF)?
      • How to Buy RocketX V1(RVF) From DEX?
      • How to Buy RocketX V1(RVF) From DEX?
      • What to Do After I Buy RocketX V1(RVF)
      • Frequently asked questions

      Where to Buy RocketX V1(RVF)?

      According to the current information collected by CoinCarp, you can't buy RocketX V1(RVF) directly with fiat by traditional financial methods(such as Paypal or Bank Cards). To buy RocketX V1(RVF), you'll need to purchase another cryptocurrency that can be easily purchased by fiat, such as ( USDT, BTC, ETH, or BNB) first, and then send them to the crypto exchanges or crypto wallet which supports RocketX V1(RVF) trading. Many crypto exchanges or crypto wallets provide RocketX V1(RVF) over-the-counter (OTC) trading services and support buying RocketX V1(RVF) with fiat currency. In that case, it is easy for you to choose a crypto exchange or crypto wallet to buy, sell, and trade RocketX V1(RVF) with your local fiat currencies, such as USD, EUR, TRY, PHP, etc. You can select from one of the crypto exchanges and crypto wallets that support OTC RocketX V1(RVF) trade listed by CoinCarp:
      Huobi Global
      Launched Seychelles
      Founded 2013-09
      Pay with
      Launched Unknown
      Founded 2017-07
      Pay with
      Launched Seychelles
      Founded 2017-09
      Pay with
      Launched USA
      Founded 2014-05
      Pay with
      Launched Seychelles
      Founded 2014-01
      Pay with
      Once the funds arrive in your wallet, you can trade them for RocketX V1(RVF). You can trade from one of the crypto exchanges( CEX and DEX) listed below which support RocketX V1(RVF) trading in spot market:
      RocketX V1 Markets
      MEXC Global MEXC Global RVF/USDT $0.0725 $53,485.74 100.00%
      Bilaxy Bilaxy RVF/ETH $0.0586 $29,881.56 0.00%
      * Price Excluded ** Volume Excluded

      There are two types of crypto exchanges that support RocketX V1(RVF)  trading, they are centralized exchanges (CEX) and decentralized exchanges (DEX), the steps of buying RocketX V1(RVF) in two types of crypto exchanges are different:

      • If you want to buy RocketX V1(RVF) in CEX, it is recommended to buy USDT or BTC first, then swap them to RocketX V1(RVF) in CEX. If the CEX or crypto wallet that you are holding USDT or BTC did not support RocketX V1(RVF) trading, then you need to withdraw and deposit to another CEX that supports RocketX V1(RVF) and swap.
      • If you want to buy RocketX V1(RVF) in DEX, you need to know what mainnet the DEX is built on. For example, if you want to buy RocketX V1(RVF) on Uniswap or Sushiwap that are run on Ethereum Blockchain, you should purchase ETH by fiat first and then swap. However, if you want to buy RocketX V1(RVF) on Pancakeswap which is run on Binance Smart Chain, you should purchase BNB by fiat first. By analogy, if you buy RocketX V1(RVF) from DEX run on other blockchains, you need to use fiat to buy the corresponding mainnet cryptocurrency first. 

      How to Buy RocketX V1(RVF) From CEX?  

      Since the operation procedures vary from different CEX, we can't provide you a step-by-step guide on how to buy in all the different centralized exchanges(CEX), but we can provide you with some general  procedures.

      • Step 1: Register an account on the centralized exchanges(CEX)'s official website or the app. ( Check Exchange Ranking), if CEX supports (eg. Binance) one-step sign up with your social account, you can sign up with your social account directly.
      • Step 2: Verify your identity & secure your centralized exchanges(CEX)'s account.  You are typically required to have a government-issued identification document. For asset security, you'd better Enable Two-step Verification.
      • Step 3: Use fiat to buy USDT, ETH, or BNB. You can use the service provided by the CEX which supports OTC trading or use the financial service platform(Paypal, or Robinhood, available for US residents) that supports funding via either your bank account or credit card. 
      • Step 4: Transferring your USDT, ETH or BNB, etc. purchased by fiat to the CEX that supports RocketX V1(RVF)  trading in spot market. If the CEX that you're using both supports purchasing USDT, ETH, or BNB via fiat, and RVF-USDT,  RVF-ETH, or RVF-BNB, etc, trading pair, then you can trade in the same platform and don't need to transfer to another platform that supports RocketX V1(RVF).
      • Step 5: Buy RocketX V1(RVF) in spot market by USDT, ETH, or BNB.

      Note: Some CEX may not available in your country or area, you'd better consult the exchange's customer service or check the announcement from exchanges. As for the tax issue, you may consult the local department for more information.

      How to Buy RocketX V1(RVF) From DEX?

      Each DEX may differ in its functions, however, the trading procedures are similar.

      • Step 1: Go to the decentralized exchange (DEX) page
      • Step 2: Download and install a Web3 crypto wallet(such as Metamask) or App wallet (such as Trust Wallet) which is supposed by the DEX. (Choose one from Top Crypto Wallet Ranking)
      • Step 3: Create and set up a new wallet. (Learn more about how to use a crypto wallet, please check the learning about crypto wallats)
      • Step 4: Transfer ETH, BNB, etc.(the corresponding mainnet cryptocurrency of the blockchain that DEX runs on) that purchased by fiat to your self-custody crypto wallet address. If you have the coins in your CEX wallet, find the "withdrew "option and paste the crypto wallet address, and transfer.
      • Step 5: Connected your wallet to the decentralized exchange (DEX), in general, click "Connect Wallet" on the upper right side of the DEX and followed the instructions to connect.
      • Step 6: Find the "Swap" option on DEX, then choose the token you want to trade from the dropdown menu in the "From" section and RocketX V1(RVF) in the "To" section, if you can't find RocketX V1(RVF) in the list, you can input the contract address of RocketX V1(RVF) and add. Next, type an amount for your "To" currency by clicking inside the input box. You can also type your "From" amount and have the "To" amount estimate automatically if you like.  
      • Step 7: Check the details, and click the "Swap" button. When you are ready, click the "Confirm Swap" button. Your wallet will ask you to confirm the action. 
      • Step 8: Done! You can see your transaction details on the block explorer.

      Note: Since there are many fake tokens on the decentralized exchange (DEX), please beware of the scam token.

      What to Do After I Buy RocketX V1(RVF)

      Store/Hold RocketX V1(RVF)

      Many investors hold their RocketX V1 with the expectation of it increases in value. You can store your RocketX V1 on your exchanges' wallets(such as Binance Wallet) or on crypto wallets( such as Trust Wallet), if you wish to store them for the long term, you can store them in a cold wallet instead of a hot wallet. ( Hot Wallets vs Cold Wallets: What's the Difference? ).

      Trade RocketX V1(RVF)

      You can trade RocketX V1(RVF) for other cryptocurrencies on crypto exchanges. Cex or Dex exchanges offer some trading pairs for RocketX V1 trading to meet your needs.

      Earn RocketX V1(RVF)

      Earn Rewards by staking coins. Staking is a great way to maximize your holdings in staking coins that would otherwise be sitting in a wallet or trading account.


      Unlike sending money overseas, you can send RocketX V1 to anyone in the world virtually instantly.

      Purchasing Goods

      Some online platforms or offline shops accept crypto as payments. You can purchase good or service from these places.

      Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

      Can I buy 1 RocketX V1(RVF)?

      The simple answer is "yes", and you can buy less than 1 RocketX V1. This is true for almost all cryptocurrencies. But in most crypto exchanges, you should buy any amount starting from $5 to any higher amount.

      Is RocketX V1 a good investment in 2025?

      The crypto price is unpredictable. All investment has their fair share of ups and downs. There is no exception for RocketX V1.
      The crypto market is incredibly volatile like the stock market, it is not recommended to invest all your assets in crypto. Investors definitely need to evaluate the pros and cons of RocketX V1. Sometimes you should do some research, for example, read the white paper of the project or check the data of historical RocketX V1 price or RocketX V1 Return On Investment(ROI). Ultimately, it depends on your appetite for risk.

      How to Store RocketX V1(RVF)?

      If you want to keep and hold RocketX V1(RVF) for the long term and do not plan to sell them, security may be the first thing you should consider. Although keeping them in most of the top exchanges' wallets nowadays is safer than before, with the development of security techniques, however, because of the very nature of the wallets in exchanges, they will be always online( so-called "hot wallet"), it is possible of being a hack. What's more, the exchanges shut down may cause the loss of your fund. So the safest way of storing your coins or tokens is always putting them into "Cold Wallets", it is the wallet that is totally offline. There are two types of cold wallets:

      • Paper wallet: It is simply formed by using a program to randomly generate a public and private key offline and you can print them on a piece of paper, which you then store and save in a secure place. The keys are printed in the form of QR codes which you can scan in the future for all your transactions. 
      • Hardware cold wallet: Hardware wallets are physical devices where you can store your cryptocurrency. Your crypto addresses and keys can be kept in a USB drive device, and only the person who possesses the USB drive can access the assets. 

      Nowadays, most people prefer to use hardware cold wallets, if you want to store a large number of coins or tokens, you can choose to use a hardware cold wallet to store your assets. 

      How long does it take to buy RocketX V1(RVF)?

      You can buy RocketX V1 instantly from crypto exchanges like CEX. However, the KYC process could take a few minutes to hours. Once you have a verified account, you can always buy or sell RocketX V1 instantly. If you use P2P or bank transfer deposit to purchase, it may take longer, dozens of minutes or even hours.
      As for DEX, the transaction will be confirmed by the node in the network. The confirmation time depends on your gas price. If you submit with a low gas price, you can find your transaction taking a long time to process. For advice on what gas prices will result in a transaction being finalized in a reasonable amount of time, if you are using the Ethereum network, please refer to sources such as Etherscan's gas tracker, or a similar tracker for whichever network you're using.

      RocketX V1 Price

      Price $0.0725
      24h Change 5.54%
      7d Change 0.56%
      30d Change 23.18%

      RocketX V1 price today is $0.0725 with a 24-hour trading volume of $53,417. RVF price is down -5.54% in the last 24 hours. It has a circulating supply of 99.3Mil RVF coins and a max supply of 100Mil.

      RocketX V1 Real-time Price

      Where Do I Actually Buy RocketX V1

      If you've made up your mind and are ready to make a purchase, then skip this article and buy RocketX V1
      RocketX V1 to USD Converter