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Iskra - Strategic
Data del finanziamento
April 23, 2024
Importo del finanziamento
Informazioni su Iskra - Strategic
Investitori | Tipo | Posizione | Anno di fondazione | #Aziende in portafoglio | Indirizzo email | Social |
Corporate | Hong Kong | 2014 | 322 | -- |
Fondatori & Squadra
Eugene Lee
Profilo aziendale / Introduzione al progetto
Iskra is a blockchain gaming hub that brings together gamers and game studios. The Company is backed by some of the biggest technology and game companies from Korea. ISKRA 's community-forward system aligns the interests of the community by rewarding its stakeholders based on their participation, while integrating sustainable tokenomic solutions for game developers that join its platform. The Company seeks to bridge the gap in web3 adoption between early adopters and the mainstream by combining enjoyment, sustainability and the latest in blockchain technology.