"" の結果はありません
Adalend 価格 (ADAL)
45,000,000 ADAL
45,000,000 ADAL

Adalend トークン販売
The ADA Lend protocol will power the new wave of flexible financial markets by serving as a foundational layer for instant loan approval, automated collateral, trustless custody and liquidity.
Permissionless: lend on any pairing, the governance will ensure that the best offers are available and that only the safest oracles are used.
Incentivized Liquidity: liquidity is predicated on having enough assets in each pool in order to facilitate lending, ADALend addresses this requirement by incentivizing users to deposit assets and provide liquidity.
Community Governance: token holders can establish consensus by voting on governance proposals or introducing new proposals for a vote.
Ecosystem Foundation Layer: attract assets and build incentives that can empower an ecosystem of financial products.
Adalend(ADAL) トークン事前販売プラットフォーム
- ETHPad: app-ethpad.network
- BSCPad: bscpad.com