"" の結果はありません
LEFEEF Contract Swap
After extended negotiations with Oleksandr Liutko, we regret to inform you that he is unwilling to return the remaining stolen funds, amounting to approximately 196 million LEFEEF. In order to move forward with our project and ensure its security, we have made the decision to migrate to a new contract.
The token swap for LEFEEF will be conducted at a 1:1 ratio.
Old contract address
- https://bscscan.com/token/0x3Ec93162b35d0704b2dE2C632D4A534F8E325d2A
New contract address
- https://bscscan.com/token/0x7d7baa0761af4154a01062a067e864f3be999db4
Announcement from the project team
- https://x.com/lefeef2024/status/1843943194880332178