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REVO Contract Swap
We would like to inform everyone that $REVO will suspend deposit and withdrawal services on major exchanges on March 29th, and suspend trading services on the 30th. This move aims to pave the way for the launch of new contracts on $REVO, split and expand $REVO, and better meet the needs of the community.
In order to ensure that you can successfully participate in this split and expansion, we strongly recommend that you deposit your $REVO tokens to the following designated exchanges (CEX) as soon as possible:- HTX, Gate. By storing your $REVO on designated exchanges, you will be able to participate in the entire process seamlessly.
We understand that this may cause you some inconvenience, but please believe that all these adjustments are for the long-term development of the REVO ecosystem and the best interests of community members. We thank you for your understanding and support and look forward to working with you towards a new chapter in REVO.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer service team.
Old REVO will be converted to new REVO tokens on a 1:10 basis.