"" の結果はありません
- コントラク:
280,000,000 CETUS
28%1,000,000,000 CETUS
1,000,000,000 CETUS
Cetus Token(CETUS) トークンの割り当て
カテゴリ | 比率 (%) | 比率数量 | 説明 |
Community & LP | 50% | 500,000,000 CETUS | - |
Team & Advisors | 20% | 200,000,000 CETUS | - |
Investors | 15% | 150,000,000 CETUS | - |
Liquidity Treasury | 15% | 150,000,000 CETUS | - |
Cetus Token トークン販売
About Ceteus Token IDO
The public sale will be conducted at a fixed price, with a hard cap to be set. Users can commit SUI tokens in the pool to participate in the IDO.
It’s not necessary to be whitelisted to participate in the IDO but there will be whitelisted users indeed. All users are served with the same price but a whitelisted user will have a corresponding protected quota (Connect your wallet and click the "Whitelist" tag above to check if you're whitelisted and your corresponding protected quota). The protected quota from whitelisted users will be first traded during the final settlement.
When the total committed amount from all purchasers in the IDO is less than the Hard Cap (less the utilised Whitelist Quota), each purchaser’s committed amount will be fully accepted.
When the total committed amount from all purchasers in the IDO exceeds the Hard Cap (less the utilised Whitelist Quota), each purchaser’s final purchase amount accepted by the Seller will be a portion of their committed amount, calculated proportional to all the respective committed amounts from all purchasers in the IDO.
Cetus Token(CETUS) トークン事前販売プラットフォーム
- Cetus: launch.cetus.zone