"" の結果はありません
1,000,000,000 ZEUM
1,000,000,000 ZEUM
Colizeum(ZEUM) トークンの割り当て
カテゴリ | 比率 (%) | 比率数量 | 説明 |
Seed Round | 6% | 60,000,000 ZEUM | - |
Private Round | 13% | 130,000,000 ZEUM | - |
Private Strategic Round | 5% | 50,000,000 ZEUM | - |
Public Sale | 1.35% | 13,500,000 ZEUM | - |
Team | 19% | 190,000,000 ZEUM | - |
Strategic Partnerships | 15% | 150,000,000 ZEUM | - |
Marketing Treasury | 7% | 70,000,000 ZEUM | - |
Token Liquidity | 5% | 50,000,000 ZEUM | - |
DAO fund | 5% | 50,000,000 ZEUM | - |
Community incentives | 10% | 100,000,000 ZEUM | - |
Liquidity mining | 5% | 50,000,000 ZEUM | - |
In-game reward program | 8.65% | 86,500,000 ZEUM | - |
Colizeum トークン販売
Colizeum is a virtual Play to Earn driven environment that, similar to Steam, hosts various games and other applications, thereby creating the general outline of a user funnel. Colizeum offers connectivity to the blockchain based infrastructure for Play-to-Earn, Prediction Markets, Tokenized Tournaments, Attention Marketplace, all as a service, all with one-click deploy, all on-chain and transparent, designed to empower influencers and game developers to fully benefit from the value they generate without middlemen, uncertainties and opaque payout schemes.
Colizeum empowers game developers to build and benefit from blockchain games simpler than ever before with easy to use Colizeum SDK.
Colizeum(ZEUM) トークン事前販売プラットフォーム
- Gate.io Startup: www.gate.io
- Infinite Launch: infinitelaunch.io