"" の結果はありません
- コントラク:
Fusotao Protocol 価格 (TAO)
100,000,000 TAO
100,000,000 TAO
Fusotao Protocol(TAO) トークンの割り当て
カテゴリ | 比率 (%) | 比率数量 | 説明 |
Trading Rewards | 48% | 48,000,000 TAO | - |
Validator | 7.5% | 7,500,000 TAO | - |
Staking Rewards | 7.5% | 7,500,000 TAO | - |
DevelopmentTeam | 8% | 8,000,000 TAO | - |
Investors | 12.5% | 12,500,000 TAO | - |
IDO/IEO | 2.5% | 2,500,000 TAO | - |
Fusotao Foundation | 6% | 6,000,000 TAO | - |
Initial Liquidity | 4% | 4,000,000 TAO | - |
Market and Advisor | 3% | 3,000,000 TAO | - |
Testnet Rewards | 1% | 1,000,000 TAO | - |
Fusotao Protocol トークン販売
Fusotao Network is an Octopus Network-based application chain that holds users' assets and verifies the matching transactions from off-chain exchange services. Founders may deploy their own off-chain matching server and use the Fusotao appchain as an on-chain verifier to build their own DEXs. By trading on the DEXs or directly staking tokens for the DEXs backed by Fusotao Protocol, communities can earn rewards by sharing transaction fees from the DEXs.
Lead Investors:
NEAR Foundation (Awarded grant),
Octopus Network (Octopus Start Award).
Lead Fundings:
D1 Ventures Ltd,
Seven X Ventures Fund LP,
Big Brain Holdings Ltd.
Fusotao Protocol(TAO) トークン事前販売プラットフォーム
- Poolz Finance: www.poolz.finance