"" の結果はありません
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Metarix 価格 (MTRX)
1,200,000,000 MTRX
1,050,000,000 MTRX
Metarix(MTRX) トークンの割り当て
カテゴリ | 比率 (%) | 比率数量 | 説明 |
Staking Rewards | 10% | 105,000,000 MTRX | - |
Marketing | 7.5% | 78,750,000 MTRX | - |
Development | 10% | 105,000,000 MTRX | - |
Exchange Listing & Liquidity | 20% | 210,000,000 MTRX | - |
Advisors | 4% | 42,000,000 MTRX | - |
Team | 15% | 157,500,000 MTRX | - |
Launchpads & Presale | 17.5% | 183,750,000 MTRX | - |
Reward Campaigns | 5% | 52,500,000 MTRX | - |
Company Reserves | 10% | 105,000,000 MTRX | - |
Tenset Partnership | 1% | 10,500,000 MTRX | - |
Metarix トークン販売
Metarix is a globally operational Metaverse platform to revolutionize the virtual world and provide an interesting and satisfying experience to a huge number of people.
Metarix major purpose as a Metaverse platform is to deliver secure and sustainable solutions to all crypto and NFT fans, artists, and other diverse users. The platform will serve as a hub for a variety of activities. It will be a virtual environment with a wide range of entertainment opportunities, including gaming, art, science, music, culture, fashion, and shopping.
The Metarix, a virtual social space, is a tokenized decentralized Metaverse theme park comprising 12 zones, 9 themes and 3 virtual properties. We want to offer enormous and limitless opportunities for engagement and futuristic growth of users in Metaverse.
Metarix Virtual Land project consists of 105,000 land parcels each of different size. You can buy virtual real estate property on Metarix chain and build anything you dream of in Metarix Metaverse using our own SDK. We provide additional support from Building NFT's and Games to customizing them and even pushing your project to greater extent with all the resources of Metarix at your disposal.
Metarix(MTRX) トークン事前販売プラットフォーム
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