"" の結果はありません
- コントラク:
5,933,475,330 GQ
59.33%10,000,000,000 GQ
6,010,333,038 GQ

Outer Ring(GQ) トークンの割り当て
カテゴリ | 比率 (%) | 比率数量 | 説明 |
Angel(Phase 1) | 3% | 180,309,991 GQ | - |
Seed | 10% | 601,033,304 GQ | - |
Private Sale | 20% | 1,202,066,608 GQ | - |
IDO | 4% | 240,413,322 GQ | - |
Liquidity | 10% | 601,033,304 GQ | - |
Treasury | 20% | 1,202,066,608 GQ | - |
Staking / In-Game Rewards | 26% | 1,562,686,590 GQ | - |
Advisors | 5% | 300,516,652 GQ | - |
Team | 2% | 120,206,661 GQ | - |
Outer Ring トークン販売
Outer Ring is an MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) that unites fantasy and science fiction, based on the novel of the same name Outer Ring Saga, in an open world that allows exploration, all supported by its Play to Earn system and Player Driven Economy, with real economy both In-game and Off-game.
Outer Ring makes a mix of systems inherited from the ‘old school’, appealing to the nostalgia of part of the target audience, and more current and diverse concepts, such as the real economy based on blockchain, which attract an audience more interested in the economic-financial part or more casual, using the in-game economy for the first time, diversifying the target audience as much as possible.
The launch of the game is sequential, based on milestones, a strategy that allows for easy testing and constant updating. This strategy allows players to enjoy the game right from the start, rewarding those who are committed to the project from the outset.
The business model of the video game is FREEMIUM, with early access for all participants in the different phases of the private and public sale of the project. The economic system of the game is based on the so-called Play-to-Earn, with the possibility to make in-game and off-game purchases through a DEX integrated in the game’s website or through player interaction.
Outer Ring(GQ) トークン事前販売プラットフォーム
- GameZone: app.gamezone.io
- BSCPad: bscpad.com
- Babylons: babylons.io
- Kommunitas: launchpad.kommunitas.net