"" の結果はありません
- コントラク:
17,298,805 ROCO
17.3%100,000,000 ROCO
99,982,729 ROCO

Roco Finance(ROCO) トークンの割り当て
カテゴリ | 比率 (%) | 比率数量 | 説明 |
Token Sale | 41% | 40,992,919 ROCO | - |
Liquidity | 10% | 9,998,273 ROCO | - |
Ecosystem | 20% | 19,996,546 ROCO | - |
StrategicServices | 7% | 6,998,791 ROCO | - |
Foundation | 15% | 14,997,409 ROCO | - |
Sustainability | 7% | 6,998,791 ROCO | - |
Roco Finance トークン販売
In order to participate in IDO on Avalaunch platform users have to meet following requirements:
1) To Complete KYC on https://kyc.avalaunch.app
- If KYC fails, users can find support on https://t.me/avalaunchsupport
2) To earn allocation in IDO users have to stake XAVAX following link https://launchpad.avalaunch.app/staking
3) To complete registration on https://launchpad.avalaunch.app/project-details?id=7
Participant has to pay 1 AVAX which is returned when he/she buys the allocation. If allocation is not bought, participant does not receive AVAX back.
Registration Opens: 10/13/2021 at 3 p.m. (UTC)
Registration Closes: 10/16/2021 at 6 a.m. (UTC)
4) Buy on https://launchpad.avalaunch.app/project-details?id=7
Staking Round Begins: 10/18/2021 at 6:30 p.m. (UTC)
Staking Round Closes: 10/19/2021 at 6:00 a.m. (UTC)
ROCO team decided to divide IDO phase to two different platforms. Users will be able to participate in Roco IDO on Hoopoe platform for which $100k of public sale amount in reserved.
So the new sale amounts are as follows:
Avalaunch: $500k
Hoopoe: $100k
Roco Finance(ROCO) トークン事前販売プラットフォーム
- Avalaunch: launchpad.avalaunch.app