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UniX Gaming 価格 (UNIX)
384,723,122 UNIX
38.47%1,000,000,000 UNIX
281,000,000 UNIX
UniX Gaming(UNIX) トークンの割り当て
カテゴリ | 比率 (%) | 比率数量 | 説明 |
Seed Sale | 5% | 14,050,000 UNIX | - |
Community | 24.5% | 68,845,000 UNIX | - |
Liquidity | 3.2% | 8,992,000 UNIX | - |
Ingame rewards | 10% | 28,100,000 UNIX | - |
Treasury | 14.8% | 41,588,000 UNIX | - |
Advisor | 4% | 11,240,000 UNIX | - |
Team | 20% | 56,200,000 UNIX | - |
IDO | 5% | 14,050,000 UNIX | - |
Private Sale | 13.5% | 37,935,000 UNIX | - |
UniX Gaming トークン販売
UniX Gaming is a DAO, which is bridging the gap between Play-To-Earn games and the most essential part of the Metaverse, the Players. Unix Gaming offers a wide range of utilities with its Token; be involved with DAO Vaults generating high yield returns, access to the IGO launchpad which will onboard the latest Play-To-Earn titles.
Staking UNIX gives users access to the DAO including voting rights, rewards, and exclusive drops. In the future, the UNIX token will have utility in the portfolio of UniX play-to-earn games. Holding a specific amount of UNIX will be required to gain access to the UniX Launchpad and its exclusive fundraises for early play to earn projects.