The total supply of AZ tokens has decreased from 138,888,888,888 to 62,741,967,262.1, which is 45.1742% of the initial supply.
The next AZ Token Burn is scheduled for May 8, 2023.
The next tokenburn is scheduled for January 16, 2023.
The next tokenburn is scheduled for December 26, 2022.
The next tokenburn is scheduled for December 12, 2022.
The next tokenburn is scheduled for December 5, 2022.
The next tokenburn is scheduled for November 28, 2022.
The next tokenburn is scheduled for November 21, 2022.
The next AZ burn is scheduled for November 14, 2022.
Azbit eliminates coins from circulation on a weekly basis until the number of AZ is reduced to 138,888,888 (0.1% of the initial supply).