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Mover(MOVER) New Listing on Bitget

We are thrilled to announce that Mover (MOVER) will be listed in the Innovation Zone. MOVER Spot Grid trading will go live at the same time. Check out the details below:
Innovation Zone:
Bitget Innovation Zone is mainly for trending tokens (initial) listing. A 60-day valuation period will be given for all the newly listed pairs in the zone. Trading pairs will be delisted if the trading pairs do not meet the criteria (etc: Market Depth).
Deposit time: 14th Mar, 7 AM (UTC)
Trading time: 14th Mar, 12 PM (UTC)
Withdrawal time: 15th Mar, 12 PM (UTC)
Mover is an Aptos-first liquidity bridge and general cross-chain messaging protocol. Mover’s technical design prioritizes providing the most secure and efficient cross-chain experience by utilizing architectural and technical capabilities of Aptos to the fullest extent.
Contract Address (Aptos): 0x14b0ef0ec69f346bea3dfa0c5a8c3942fb05c08760059948f9f24c02cd0d4fd8
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