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OGCommunity(OGC) New Listing on Bitget Pre-Market
We're thrilled to announce that Bitget will launch OGCommunity (OGC) in pre-market trading. Users can trade OGC in advance, before it becomes available for spot trading. Details are as follows:
- Start time: 23 July, 2024. 07:00 (UTC)
- End time: TBD
- Trade time: TBD
- Delivery time: TBD
- Pre-market trading link: OGC/USDT
Note: According to the tokenomics provided by the project, the total supply is 1 billion. However, if the tokenomics changes in the future, the number of coins held by users will be adjusted according to the actual total supply.
OGCommunity is a convenient platform where users from all over the world can communicate, share experience, grow and earn. Users can not only find information about new games, streams, tournaments and other interesting events, but also influence the development of these projects.
Everyone has the power to directly influence game development. User's feedback helps shape future projects, ensuring a gaming experience tailored to the preferences. OGCommunity is not just a community; it is a platform for growth and earning opportunities. Engage with like-minded gamers, enhance skills, and earn rewards—all within one comprehensive ecosystem.
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