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10,000,000,000 SECOND
10,000,000,000 SECOND
MetaDOS(SECOND) 토큰 할당
카테고리 | 비율(%) | 비율 수량 | 설명 |
Seed | 10% | 1,000,000,000 SECOND | TGE:3%, 3 Months cliff, linear daily vesting over 16 Months |
Private | 11.5% | 1,150,000,000 SECOND | TGE:5%, 2 Months cliff, linear daily vesting over 10 Months |
Public | 6.5% | 650,000,000 SECOND | TGE: 15%, 1 Month cliff, linear daily vesting over 6 Months |
KOL | 1.5% | 150,000,000 SECOND | TGE: 10%, 2 Months cliff, linear daily vesting over 6 Months |
Liquidity | 5% | 500,000,000 SECOND | TGE: 40%, 1 Month cliff, linear vesting over 6 Months |
Team | 15% | 1,500,000,000 SECOND | 12 Months cliff, linear vesting over 36 Months |
Treasury | 10% | 1,000,000,000 SECOND | 12 Months cliff, linear vesting over 48 Months |
Advisory | 5% | 500,000,000 SECOND | 3 Months cliff, linear daily vesting over 24 Months |
Marketing | 5.5% | 550,000,000 SECOND | 1 Month cliff, linear daily vesting over 36 Months |
Tournaments | 9% | 900,000,000 SECOND | 3 Months cliff, linear vesting over 57 Months |
In-game | 15% | 1,500,000,000 SECOND | 3 Months cliff, linear vesting over 57 Months |
Airdrop | 1% | 100,000,000 SECOND | linear vesting over 3 Months |
Stake | 5% | 500,000,000 SECOND | linear vesting over 48 Months |
MetaDOS 토큰 판매
MetaDOS GameFi IDO Details
- IDO Price: 0.0012 USDT
- Total Raise: $300,000
- Token Network: AVALANCHE
- IDO Network: BNB CHAIN
- Refund Policy: You have 72 hours to request refund from TGE
- Vesting: 15% TGE, 1 month cliff, 6 months vesting
MetaDOS(SECOND) IEO on Gate.io Startup Details
- Subscription Price: $0 GT(The GT pricing of this event is $10 USDT )
- Subscription Share: 1GT per share
- Subscription Total: 3,000GT
- Startup Total Supply: 25,000,000 SECOND
- Unlock rule: 100% Unlock
Participation Requirement
1.Users with an average GT holding of no less than 10 GT(which is 1 share) over the past 14 days are eligible to participate in the GT holder-exclusive airdrop subscription and share token rewards.
2.The more GT you hold on average over the past 14 days, the more subscription shares you receive, and ultimately, the more tokens you get.
Tokens received by participants = (Participant’s subscription shares / Total subscription shares) × Startup total supply.
3.GT tokens contributed by participants have no lock-up period, allowing users to participate in multiple projects simultaneously with no participation limit.
4.Based on the users's GT average 14 days position, each user would receive one share per every 10GT held. The subscription limit for a single project is 3,000 shares per user. If the project’s share is less than 3000, each user's subscription limit for the project will be limited based on the total shares of the project.
MetaDOS(SECOND) 토큰 사전 판매 플랫폼
- Seedify: seedify.fund
- Seedify: seedify.fund
- GameFi: gamefi.org
- Gate.io Startup: www.gate.io