암호화폐: 33,448 거래소: 355 시가총액: $3,089.79B 24시간 거래량: $229.47B 도미넌스: BTC 58.9% ETH 9.4% ETH Gas:  1 Gwei
화폐 선택



      Essential's Logo

      Essential - Series A

      개요 투자자 창립자 & 팀 회사 프로필 / 프로젝트 소개


      파이낸싱 날짜

      August 13, 2024

      자금 조달 금액






      약 Essential - Series A

      Essential는2024-08-13에Series A자금 조달 라운드에서 $11.00M를 모금했습니다. 이 라운드는Archetype,IOSG Ventures,The Spartan Group,Mirana Ventures,Amber Group,Maven 11 Capital,Big Brain Holdings,Celestia Foundation.의 지원을 받았습니다. 총8명의 투자자가 라운드에 참여했습니다.


      투자자활자위치설립 연도#포트폴리오 회사이메일 주소소셜
      Fund United States of America 2021 38 --
      Fund Hong Kong 2017 108 hello@iosg.vc
      Fund Singapore 2018 183 info@spartangroup.io
      Fund -- -- 88 --
      Fund Hong Kong 2017 79 contact@ambergroup.io
      Fund Netherlands 2015 69 joost@maven11.com
      Fund United States of America -- 136 --
      Foundation Unknown -- 3 --

      창립자 & 팀

      Liesl Eichholz's Logo

      Liesl Eichholz

      Simon Roberts's Logo

      Simon Roberts

      회사 프로필 / 프로젝트 소개

      Essential is a blockchain startup developing an intent-centric or declarative Ethereum Layer 2 network as an Optimistic rollup. Unlike traditional blockchains that use a transaction-based model (where users provide exact instructions), Essential employs an intent-based model (where users specify the desired outcome). As a Layer 2, Essential handles user intents off-chain using "specialized solvers" to make the process more efficient. This approach seeks to improve the user experience, reduce the on-chain workload and enhance scalability.

      Founded earlier this year, Essential is trying to rewire transaction supply chains in crypto to minimize value extraction by what it describes as "rent-seeking intermediaries," for the benefit of users.

      *기금 마련 발표: 여기를 클릭