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Chase Lochmiller
United States of America
Angel Investor
Year Founded
#Portfolio Companies
Chase Lochmiller소개
Chase Lochmiller년에 설립되었으며 United States of America에 있습니다.Chase Lochmiller은 지금까지 2 회 투자를 진행하였는데, 가장 최근의 투자 프로젝트는Ritual이며, 투자 발표 시간은 November 8, 2023입니다.
CoinCarp 기금 모금 데이터베이스에 따르면 Chase Lochmiller은 1 Infrastructure프로젝트 and 1 Others프로젝트.그중Chase Lochmiller의 투자 중 50%는Infrastructure프로젝트입니다.
소셜 미디어를 통해Chase Lochmiller에게 연락할 수 있습니다
Chase is an avid tech enthusiast that is passionate about enabling new technologies like AI and blockchain to positively impact people’s lives. Prior to founding Crusoe, Chase was a General Partner at Polychain Capital, a $1Bn fund investing in blockchain technologies, digital assets and energy-intensive computing applications. Chase was previously
a quantitative researcher and trader at Jump Trading and GETCO, where he developed and managed a portfolio of algorithmic trading strategies. Chase holds undergraduate degrees in math and physics from MIT and a masters degree in computer science from Stanford, where he specialized in artificial intelligence. As a personal interest, Chase has climbed five of the "seven summits" including Mt. Everest.