Pilih Mata Wang
Mata Wang Fiat
Mata Wang Crypto
Lumos (LUMOS) Contract Swap
Migration to Sonic is live!
- 1:1 swap for $LUMOS on Fantom to Sonic
- LUMOS/FTM LPs migrate directly, no need to break them!
- Claim new tokens on Sonic after Feb 17
Former Contract Address:
- https://ftmscan.com/token/0x94fBE860aD699670A2293D194CF1376EF58C014a
New Contract Address:
- https://sonicscan.org/token/0xC0dA8629599b364eb0A8921A477Fb80440a68BD4
For more information, please refer to the official project team announcement.
- https://x.com/thelumoscoin/status/1891589023187059185