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- Contracten:
Gatsby Prijs (GATSBY)
Volledig Verdunde Marktkapitalisatie
Volume 24u
Circulerende Voorraad
Max Voorraad
8,888,888,888,888 GATSBY
Totale Voorraad
8,888,888,888,888 GATSBY
Gatsby(GATSBY) Toewijzingen
Categorie | Percentage | Totaal | Beschrijving |
Presale | 40% | 3,555,555,555,555 GATSBY | - |
Liquidity Pool | 7.6% | 675,555,555,555 GATSBY | - |
Migrated tokens | 19% | 1,688,888,888,889 GATSBY | locked until presale is finalized |
Multichain Bridge Reserves | 12% | 1,066,666,666,667 GATSBY | Vested over 9 monthsView Vesting schedule |
Staking | 5.4% | 480,000,000,000 GATSBY | 15% unlocked on TGE, 85% vested over 3 monthsView Vesting Schedule |
Team | 3% | 266,666,666,667 GATSBY | locked for 1 year, then vested over 4 monthsView vesting schedule for: leam 1, leam 2, leam 3 |
Marketing | 9% | 800,000,000,000 GATSBY | 2% unlocked on TGE,7% vested over 3 monthsView Vesting Schedule |
Advisors | 4% | 355,555,555,556 GATSBY | - |
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