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- Contracten:
Mech Master Prijs (MECH)
Volledig Verdunde Marktkapitalisatie
Volume 24u
Circulerende Voorraad
Max Voorraad
650,000,000 MECH
Totale Voorraad
650,000,000 MECH

Overzicht Markt Tokenomics Rijke lijst Historische gegevens Exchange-portemonnees Sociaal Portefeuilles
Mech Master Token Verkoop
IDO Beëindigd: 23/10/2021 — 23/10/2021
IDO Beëindigd: 23/10/2021 — 23/10/2021
Mech Master is a first-ever 3D Turn-based Mecha Blockchain game with strategic RPG elements, where you can earn tokens through skillful gameplay and smart trading. You are challenged to collect giant fighting machines and futuristic weapons to save the world in the Mech universe. Being an experienced pilot in Augmented Reality, you set yourself apart from other players with unique tactics and sharp decision-making skills. Being a blockchain game in a sci-fi setting, not only will combat arenas earn you a reward, but you can also profit from battles by earning Mech tokens.
Mech Master(MECH) token pre-sale platform
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