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- Contracten:
Zomfi Prijs (ZOMFI)
Volledig Verdunde Marktkapitalisatie
Volume 24u
Circulerende Voorraad
Max Voorraad
500,000,000 ZOMFI
Totale Voorraad
500,000,000 ZOMFI
Website, Verkenners, Whitepaper
BSC Ecosystem

Overzicht Markt Tokenomics Fondsenwerving Rijke lijst Historische gegevens Exchange-portemonnees Sociaal Portefeuilles
Zomfi Token Verkoop
IDO Beëindigd: 02/12/2021 — 03/12/2021
IDO Beëindigd: 02/12/2021 — 02/12/2021
IDO Beëindigd: 02/12/2021 — 02/12/2021
Zomfi is an action, shooter game. Players will be able to roam through a zombie apocalypse, where they must collect gear and fight off zombies. Players will use digital tokens to buy gear to play the game and advance to other levels. Complete your achievements for rewards, and if you feel the urge to hunt for valuable NFT's, keep playing and looting and hope you find something rare.
The Marketplace is a free in-game space for all players to interact with each other. Players can sell off any armors or weapons to other players and also buy anything that they may need to equip themselves.
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