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Vulpes Investment Management
Jaar Opgericht
#Portefeuille Bedrijven
Over Vulpes Investment Management
Vulpes Investment Management is opgericht in 2011 en is gevestigd in Singapore. Vulpes Investment Management heeft tot nu toe 2 investeringen gedaan, het meest recente investeringsproject is Veremark, en de aankondigingstijd van de investering is April 11, 2024
Volgens de CoinCarp fondsenwerving database, heeft Vulpes Investment Management geïnvesteerd in 1 Infrastructure projecten en 1 NFTs projecten. Van allemaal, 50% van de investeringen van Vulpes Investment Management zijn Infrastructure projecten.
In 2011, Stephen Diggle set up Vulpes Investment Management, leveraging off the infrastructure and systems of the former Artradis platform. A number of key staff moved over with Steve, beginning investment across a range of sectors with founder's capital anchoring all funds.
Vulpes is designed to replicate a family office structure and enable outside co-investment in a range of strategies that seek to produce real capital appreciation and/or income by concentrating on a small number of compelling investment opportunities.