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Anything World - Undisclosed
Data finansowania
November 9, 2022
Kwota dofinansowania
O Anything World - Undisclosed
Inwestorów | Typ | Lokalizacja | Rok założenia | #Firmy w portfolio | Adres e-mail | Media społecznościowe |
Corporate | United States of America | 1958 | 9 | -- | ||
Fund | United States of America | 2019 | 18 | -- | ||
Fund | United States of America | 2013 | 39 | [email protected] |
Założyciele i zespół
Gordon Midwood
Sebastian Hofer
Profil firmy / Wprowadzenie do projektu
Anything World is an innovative platform that combines AI, voice computing and 3D rendering with layers of behavioural intelligence. They enable users to request and play with any object imaginable. It's the easiest and fastest way for developers to create AI-driven 3D experiences powered by voice.