Waluta fiat
Berachain - Undisclosed
Data finansowania
March 15, 2024
Kwota dofinansowania
O Berachain - Undisclosed
Inwestorów | Typ | Lokalizacja | Rok założenia | #Firmy w portfolio | Adres e-mail | Media społecznościowe |
Fund | United Kingdom | 2002 | 34 | [email protected] | ||
Fund | Canada | 2019 | 96 | [email protected] |
Założyciele i zespół
Smokey the Bera
Homme Bera
Profil firmy / Wprowadzenie do projektu
Berachain is an EVM-compatible layer one blockchain, built using the Cosmos SDK, and secured by the novel Proof-of-Liquidity Consensus Protocol. The project aims to allow users to stake tokens while providing liquidity to DeFi protocols in parallel.
Berachain has a tri-token system of bera (the native gas token), honey (a native stablecoin) and BGT (the "non-transferrable" Bera Governance Token). Users who stake bera or "other permissioned tokens" will earn BGT over time, allowing them to "capture honey generated by the underlying chain architecture as a reward for their participation in governance" .
Berachain is the pseudonymous co-founders' second project, after the NFT project Bong Bears, a collection of "100 absolutely zooted NFT bears getting baked."