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Lemon - Seed
Data finansowania
December 1, 2020
Kwota dofinansowania
O Lemon - Seed
Inwestorów | Typ | Lokalizacja | Rok założenia | #Firmy w portfolio | Adres e-mail | Media społecznościowe |
Fund | United Kingdom | 2013 | 1 | -- | ||
Fund | United States of America | 2018 | 2 | [email protected] |
Założyciele i zespół
Marcelo Cavazzoli
Borja Martel Seward
Profil firmy / Wprowadzenie do projektu
Argentinian startup whose mission is to make crypto cool and usable in Latin America.Lemon Cash offers blockchain powered financial services. Lemon's main product is a crypto wallet that allow users to: (i) Send and receive money between Lemon Cash wallets; (ii) Send and receive payments through a link, QR code or credit and debit cards; (iii) Buy, hold and sell crypto assets (e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc).