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MasterExchange - Undisclosed
Data finansowania
August 17, 2023
Kwota dofinansowania
O MasterExchange - Undisclosed
Inwestorów | Typ | Lokalizacja | Rok założenia | #Firmy w portfolio | Adres e-mail | Media społecznościowe |
Fund | Hong Kong | 2018 | 3 | -- | ||
Angel Investor | Sweden | -- | 1 | -- | ||
Angel Investor | Unknown | -- | 1 | -- |
Założyciele i zespół
Alexander Fred-Ojala
Profil firmy / Wprowadzenie do projektu
MasterExchange is a platform where you can invest in and trade shares of music royalties and receive royalty payouts. A royalty share is the unique tradable asset on the MasterExchange platform, representing a stake in a song's future master royalties. Every royalty share is distinct, showcasing unique artwork, an ID number, and more. Collectively, the royalty shares of a song represent equal stakes in its future master royalties. While each royalty share is associated with an NFT on the Polygon network, the NFTs are held by an external crypto custodian, so you won't interact directly with the NFTs while using MasterExchange.