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Pillz - Undisclosed
Data finansowania
April 17, 2023
Kwota dofinansowania
O Pillz - Undisclosed
Inwestorów | Typ | Lokalizacja | Rok założenia | #Firmy w portfolio | Adres e-mail | Media społecznościowe |
Corporate | United States of America | 2005 | 4 | -- |
Założyciele i zespół
Marat Saakyan
Profil firmy / Wprowadzenie do projektu
Pillz is an extension of digital identity, and it makes a device that can make non-fungible token (NFT) collectibles and NFT games tangible, so users have a deeply immersive experience interacting with their NFTs in physical reality. Users can upload their NFTs to Pillz without transferring the token to the device, requiring verification of its ownership.