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COSMIC Contract Swap
At Cosmic Network we always aim to empower our community with decisions which speak to the evolution of the project.
The next milestone in our evolution will be to relaunch and migrate to a v3 contract with 0% tax, with vastly improved tokenomics and enhanced liquidity.
This will yield long term benefits with respect to onboarding a broader pool of potential investors and listing on Tier 1 exchanges.
The token swap for COSMIC will be conducted at a 1:1 ratio.
Old contract address
- https://etherscan.io/token/0x40e64405f18e4fb01c6fc39f4f0c78df5ef9d0e0
New contract address
- https://etherscan.io/token/0x55a05cf8898dd1c582eef939df645d5d235c6f74
Announcement from the project team
- https://x.com/network_cosmic_/status/1811761455420612862