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MBD Contract Swap
We are thrilled to share that the NEW UPDATED MBD ETH contract is now live on Uniswap!
We are pumped to make Q2 the best quarter yet for MBD and set the stage for unprecedented growth! Stay connected, and let's soar to new heights together!
The token swap for MBD will be conducted at a 1:1 ratio;
The token ticker of MBD will remain unchanged after the token swap.
MBD old contract address:
- https://etherscan.io/token/0xa08898cabe14680cdfea55398143bc120889182e
MBD new contract address:
- https://etherscan.io/token/0xaAf449Bf8A33a32575C31BA8CBb90612Dd95aCFa
MBD official announcement:
- https://twitter.com/mbdfinancials/status/1782343634425114745
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