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- Контракты:
Fight Of The Ages Цена (FOTA)
6,550,298 FOTA
0.94%700,000,000 FOTA
14,000,000 FOTA

Fight Of The Ages(FOTA) Allocations
Категория | Percentage | Total | Description |
Seed sale | 1.5% | 210,000 FOTA | - |
Strategic sale | 5% | 700,000 FOTA | - |
Private sale | 3% | 420,000 FOTA | - |
Public Sale | 1.5% | 210,000 FOTA | - |
Game Rewards | 65% | 9,100,000 FOTA | - |
Marketing & Development | 4% | 560,000 FOTA | - |
Liquidity & Listing | 5% | 700,000 FOTA | - |
Foundation | 10% | 1,400,000 FOTA | - |
Team & Advisor | 5% | 700,000 FOTA | - |
Продажа токенов Fight Of The Ages
With a Total Max Supply of 700.000.000 FOTA, the Total Circulating supply will increase based on the system’s mining features.
FOTA chooses to issue only one Token to manage the circulation of money easily as well as to ensure low inflation through the metrics shown on the Blockchain network. In addition, FOTA also developed a Treasury to allow a portion of the profits of the entire FOTA to be used for the buyback and burn mechanism, thereby minimizing the risk of increased Token supply or illiquidity on the entire system.
The project has a reward mechanism to encourage the contribution of ideas and important positive community feedback. Important decisions in the project affecting the community will be decided through voting event.
Платформа предварительной продажи токенов Fight Of The Ages(FOTA)
- MoonStarter: app.moonstarter.net
- MoonStarter: app.moonstarter.net
- Koistarter: www.koistarter.io
Тенденции продаж токенов