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Roam (MetaBlox) - Undisclosed
О Roam (MetaBlox) - Undisclosed
Инвесторы | Type | Расположение | Год основания | #Портфельные компании | Адрес электронной почты | Соц. cети |
Fund | Korea (the Republic of) | 2013 | 50 | [email protected] |
Основатели и команда

Jeffrey Manner
Профиль компании / Представление проекта
MetaBlox Network is a Web3 project building a decentralized OpenRoaming network. The network's interoperability allows users to connect to any of the WBA's million+ nodes in addition to any MetaBlox nodes, which themselves follow the alliance's performance and security standards, as well as standards from across the telco industry. The network is 5G compatible, helping offset data usage with WiFi offloading. The network is both decentrally deployed, using rewards-based incentivization, as well as decentrally built using decentralized user-authentication.
Roam (Formerly MetaBlox) transforms internet access with enhanced security and an exceptional user experience, simplifying connectivity and rewarding every connection for a seamless and rewarding internet experience.