"" 沒有結果
10,000,000 TET
100%10,000,000 TET
10,000,000 TET

Tectum(TET) 代幣分配
分類 | 佔比(%) | 佔比數量 | 描述 |
私募輪 | 15% | 1,500,000 TET | TGE: 10%,10 個月線性解鎖,2024年4月結束 |
公募輪 | 5% | 500,000 TET | TGE: 10%,10個月線性解鎖,2024年4月結束 |
種子輪 | 5% | 500,000 TET | TGE: 10%,10個月線性解鎖,2024年4月結束 |
核心團隊 | 10% | 1,000,000 TET | 24 個月鎖倉,10 個月線性解鎖,2026年4月結束 |
顧問 | 5% | 500,000 TET | TGE 5%,6 個月鎖倉,12 個月線性解鎖,2025年12月結束 |
流動資金 - CEX 和 MM + 營銷生態系統 | 60% | 6,000,000 TET | TGE: 100% |
About Tectum
Tectum's new fourth-generation layer one smart contract platform is the world’s fastest operational blockchain and adds a layer of interoperability, scalability, and utility that renders older smart contract capable blockchains obsolete. Tectum is designed with a totally original architecture to consistently achieve fully decentralised consensus at 1 million transactions per second and has achieved terminal network speed of 1.38 million TPS under load with nodes covering three continents during stress testing. Tectum’s block size is only 120 bytes, as opposed to other chains where block size can be multiple Megabytes. Tectum’s unique architecture means that each block contains the hash of only one transaction. Tectum is therefore the fastest blockchain both on a transaction per second, and a block per second basis.
SoftNote bill is the Flagship product of Tectum’s service and product offerings. It is a digital product representing a store of value; however, when unfilled with currency, it has no intrinsic value. SoftNote bills are categorised and distinguished by unique serial numbers and denominations. When TET is used to mint SoftNotes, the user is given unfilled SoftNote bills, which must later be filled with liquidity if intended to function. The SoftNote system creates the ability to penetrate the retail market with cryptocurrency payments and can be regarded as ‘the first transactionless payment system’. This transactionless nature facilitates instant payment capabilities and a zero-fee policy for the end user.
TET token is sourced from the Tectum blockchain and, when applied thereto, has the capacity to mint SoftNote Bills; the TET token is a mint token and thus is the only way to mint SoftNote Bills. Moreover, all products offered by Tectum have the Tectum blockchain as their native network.
Tectum IEO on Gate.io Details
- Duration: 06:00 AM on March 3rd - 06:00 AM on March 5th (UTC)
- Trading starts time: 10:00 AM on March 5th (UTC), 2024
- Price: $0
- Startup Supply: 1,307 TET
- Unlocking Rule: 100% Unlock
- Gate.io Startup: www.gate.io
- BSClaunch: app.bsclaunch.org
- GAGARIN: app.gagarin.world
- KingdomStarter: kingdomstarter.io
- Kommunitas: launchpad.kommunitas.net