"" 没有结果
Caduceus 价格 (CMP)
1,000,000,000 CMP
1,000,000,000 CMP

Caduceus(CMP) 代币分配
分类 | 占比(%) | 占比数量 | 描述 |
核心贡献者 | 9% | 90,000,000 CMP | - |
投资者 | 15% | 150,000,000 CMP | - |
实验室 | 20% | 200,000,000 CMP | - |
基础 | 6% | 60,000,000 CMP | - |
挖矿 | 50% | 500,000,000 CMP | - |
Metaverse protocol Caduceus closes $4M Series A investment round.
Caduceus, the metaverse protocol with decentralized edge rendering, designed to provide the infrastructure layer for metaverse development, has raised $4 million in an over-subscribed Series A round jointly led by Susquehanna International Group, the leading trading and technology firm founded by Jeff Yass, and BlockFills.
Other lead investors in the round included Bin Zayed Group, Qredo, TokenInsight, Nukkleus, Europe’s leading digital asset execution platform Digital RFQ and Luna Venture Capital. Celebrity investment comes in the form of soccer legend, ex-England and Chelsea Football Club captain John Terry.
The funds will help the future development of decentralized rendering and edge cloud computing as part of the Caduceus Metaverse Protocol.
- DAOLaunch: app.daolaunch.net