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Norma in Metaland 价格 (GRAM)
1,000,000,000 GRAM
1,000,000,000 GRAM
Norma in Metaland代币销售
Norma in Metaland: Cooking Adventure is a multi-platform blockchain-based time management cooking game. Players control what goes on in the kitchen and upgrade various cooking ingredients/kitchen equipment, going through different restaurants as they level up. The overall structure of the game is well established, with over 50 restaurants with unique specialties and over 20 strategically placed customers. This level-up structure entices both casual players and hard-core manias of time management cooking games.
Norma in Metaland: Cooking Adventure is based on an existing game that's been serviced in the global market since 2016, featuring a variety of restaurants and relevant content with solid gameplay and a beautiful level-up process. The digital assets collected by users as they play the game are stored as tokens and NFTs, and managing them in the in-game ecosystem is very convenient.
Norma in Metaland(GRAM)代币预售平台
- Iskra: iskra.world
- Iskra: iskra.world