"" 没有结果
Synchrony 价格 (SCY)
1,000,000,000 SCY
1,000,000,000 SCY

Synchrony(SCY) 代币分配
分类 | 占比(%) | 占比数量 | 描述 |
质押 | 29.5% | 295,000,000 SCY | - |
流动性 | 10% | 100,000,000 SCY | - |
储蓄 | 5% | 50,000,000 SCY | - |
社区 | 6% | 60,000,000 SCY | - |
团队 | 15% | 150,000,000 SCY | - |
顾问 | 5% | 50,000,000 SCY | - |
种子轮 | 3% | 30,000,000 SCY | - |
私募 | 12% | 120,000,000 SCY | - |
公众 | 2.5% | 25,000,000 SCY | - |
生态系统 | 12% | 120,000,000 SCY | - |
Synchrony is decentralized asset management platform utilizing a sophisticated suite of analytics and machine learning algorithms to evaluate and optimize on-chain instruments producing single-click solutions for diversified exposure to an ecosystem's primitives. The core features powered by the platform are copy-trading and composable indices, both facilitated by a friendly DeFi Farmer's market - a place to interact with the whole Solana blockchain from one location.
Utilizing Solana's high throughput and transaction speed, copy-trading on Synchrony is executed with very little risk of price divergence or front-running. Input any wallet address or select a leader-wallet from the Synchrony leaderboard and Synchrony does the rest. Wallet behavior can be governed by user-configured parameters. Synchrony optimizes wallet behavior to ensure that copy-trade strategies match a user's risk profile.
Composable, Modular, and Dynamic - Evaluate any set of on-chain instruments from tokens, to liquidity pools, to yield farms, and even NFTs. Programmatically managed, automatically rebalanced, and algorithmically optimized - single-click solutions for executing complex strategies with as little friction as possible. Indices are analogous to smart contracts - an index's calculation methodology can be scrutinized in the same way a smart contract's code can.
Synchrony's best-in-class on-chain analytics provides users with both macro-level insights into ecosystem sentiment and granular detail on any user's on-chain behavior. Synchrony help's users paint a picture of the on-chain landscape in a streamlined and intuitive user-interface. Synchrony's analytics engine is powered by a combination of off-chain and on-chain data.
Farmer's Market
Platform provides an access all of Solana’s DApps from one place, single-click solutions that remove unnecessary steps from on-chain interactions.
- Gate.io Startup: www.gate.io
- Solanium: www.solanium.io