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Witly 价格 (WITLY)
Witly.io helps you find the top Virtual Real Estate property available in the Metaverse in minutes. Algorithms consistently monitor the top Virtual Real Estate projects moving up in value and notify you so that you can purchase (or sell) it.
Witly.io is the evolution of Witly.net, a marketing automation tool used by thousands of Real Estate agents for generating leads and increasing conversions using Automated Advertising Technology. Witly runs ads for Real Estate businesses, saving time and money one would typically invest hiring marketing agencies.
The $Witly Token is the utility of the Witly Marketplace & Ecosystem that allows users who have verified accounts to participate in loyalty, staking, and rewards programs. The token has the following utility:
- Access to the Witly.io Marketplace
- Discounted Access to Virtual Property Purchases
- Early Access to Newly Launched Metaverse NFT's
- Access to Research About New Projects & Prospects
- Exclusive Info About Investment Trends in Projects
- Training Program(s) & Courses for NFT Real Estate Investing
- Licensing fees and dues for Sell & Earn programs
- FireStarter: firestarter.fi