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Chúng tôi không thể tìm thấy bất cứ thứ gì trùng khớp với tìm kiếm của bạn.Hãy thử lại bằng một cụm từ khác.
Whiteheart is Closed
After a long period of uncertainty, the Whiteheart story is over. The protocol concept was fantastic, but the last few years have been all about developing Hegic, which has evolved away from the idea of basic hedge contracts. Consequently, the decision was made to close the project permanently. All funds raised will be returned to tokenholders at the IBCO price (1 $WHITE ≈ 1.708 $WETH).
Users who have believed in the protocol all this time and held their tokens are welcome to exit under the terms offered above.
How to swap $WHITE to $WETH?
- If your $WHITE is still staked, visit https://hegic.github.io/whiteheart-front/ to claim your rewards and unstake your tokens. This is the official Whiteheart frontend reduced to one specific function — to interact with the Whiteheart staking contract. The link will be active for the next 6 months.
- Go to Uniswap and swap your $WHITE using WHITE/WETH pair. All raised funds from the Whiteheart Development Fund will be allocated to the LP position for this pair. If the price on Uniswap is significantly lower than 1.708 $WETH / 1 $WHITE, do not confirm the transaction and try again later.
- If you have any questions about the process or any problems, ask for help in Hegic Discord or email [email protected] — administrator will help you as soon as possible.
Few numbers:
- 13,664.079 $WETH are allocated against 8,000 WHITE sold on IBCO.
- The remaining 888 tokens of the total supply are permanently locked on the Whiteheart Development Fund balance and will not participate in the refund process.
- ETH price at the start of Whiteheart IBCO ≈ $620, current ETH price ≈ $2,030 (+327% in $ value).
In conclusion, thanks to everyone involved in this wonderful story, first and foremost, for your trust and patience. Sometimes, we all need to leave some things in the past to move forward.