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13,013,747 SHOE
13.01%100,000,000 SHOE
100,000,000 SHOE

ShoeFyBán mã thông báo
ShoeFy is an upcoming programmatically generated sNFT collection built for shoe enthusiasts. Besides looking pretty, these sNFTs are designed to have utility on the ShoeFy platform — allowing users to stake their sNFTs in the sNFT pool to earn $SHOE tokens, and stake their $SHOE + sNFT LP tokens in the ShoeFy vault to earn additional rare sNFTs.
The platform includes unique reward mechanisms designed to incentivize minting and trading sNFTs and engaging with its ecosystem (known as the shoeverse). sNFT minters receive royalties from every sale of their sNFTs on the secondary market whereas those staking sNFT/$SHOE earn a share of all transaction and NFT minting fees — providing multiple passive income opportunities.
In later iterations of the platform, ShoeFy plans to introduce auction, trading, gaming, and play-to-earn features, further enhancing the utility of sNFTs and $SHOE.
ShoeFy(SHOE) nền tảng bán trước mã thông báo
- TruePNL: launchpad.truepnl.com
- DuckSTARTER: duckstarter.io
- MoonStarter: app.moonstarter.net
Mã thông báo bán trước theo xu hướng